Sunday 22 November 2015

Week four

This week I was asked to gather sound effects for Mads project I Am Dyslexic. We made a list of all the sounds by going through the animatic.

I also then became the editor for both Falling in Love and Alphabet patch. Jack had a load of storyboard drawings and I had to edit them together. I also edited the scratch track to this. It took me and Jack two days to finish the animatic which was much longer than I had antisipated. Jack had over 100 drawings to be timed and edited and there were loads of sound effects to be edited in too. His animation is very sound and timing heavy so it was a hard task. I edited and Jack directed. Although it took a very long time to do I did enjoy it a lot. For the ending of Jack's film we looked at a short movie titled "The Hedgehog" to get an idea for the atmosphere and editing style for the entire ending scene.

I then spend a lot of time editing Leonie's animatic for Alphabet Patch also. We had a discussion on what kind of editing style we were going to go for.

These are a few examples of the kind of editing style we aimed for:

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